Friday, December 08, 2006

Exam Glitch Fixes:


They are coming up with a message window saying the exam was saved to a D:..exam4 etc (it should also list the course, prof., and student exam number) drive and folder when submitting. I looked at the server for 5 Mac students who had this message after submitting wirelessly and it seems that the exams were submitted properly. So if they receive the message exam successfully saved to D:..exam4..etc (it should also list the course, prof., and student exam number) then it saved the exam to the server.

Error 12

Second, students who are coming up with an error 12 seem to be getting it because Norton Anti-virus/internet protection is running. To turn this off the student needs to right click on the Norton icon in the bottom right corner next to the time, usually it is a yellow and black circle, and select disable Norton internet security/antivirus. Once this is disabled they can then submit properly. They can also right click on the icon when finished and enable it when done.


With an error 22 code VNC needs to be removed from the laptop

ERROR 105 Fix:

Go to My Computer icon on desktop > right-click, choose Properties > choose
Remote tab > go to Remote Desktop (not Remote Assistance) section > uncheck
Allow > click OK > run Exam4 again.


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