Friday, December 19, 2003

New Scientist: Google opens up books to searching. Now if it only included law textbooks ....

Gotta love the Open Source movement: - Where unprofessional journalism looks better - Open source outfit releases patch for IE vulnerability

Year in review: Linux under attack | CNET

beSpacific: New DoD Website Targets War on Terrorism

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: The 'legitimization' of blogs among large-firm lawyers

Thursday, December 18, 2003

beSpacific: Effective Dates for Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003

Wednesday, December 17, 2003 Wouldn't It Be Nice to Have an Attorney General Who Wasn't Embarrassing?

Ernie The Attorney: Weekly Law Blog Roundup

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Fax - the technology that refuses to die

Colorado firm touts its sleazeball attorneys

Monday, December 15, 2003

From the humor dept: BBspot - Santa Considering Move to Linux

Google recently added the ability to track UPS and FedEx package numbers, search for patents by number and find registered airplanes and FCC (Federal Communication Commission) equipment. Some of the queries require a keyword; for instance, to search for a patent, the query must begin with the word, patent (patent 5123123). Rather than directly displaying the patent record, however, Google provides a link to it.

Ernie the Attorney: The Law Clerk Chronicles - The Job Interview

Sunday, December 14, 2003

Blog 702: The Fourth Circuit does it again!

LAWTECH GURU BLOG by Jeff Beard: What To Do When You Get an Odd Electronic File

Friday, December 12, 2003

Reviewing the law reviews with the blawg review. This blog tracks the relative tardiness of law review issue publications, among other things. Worth a look.

Slashdot | World's Largest Databases Ranked

beSpacific: Online Disability Resources For Libraries from the UK

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Ernie The Attorney: The Law Clerk Chronicles - Citation Pendantry

Introducing LawLibTech, a weblog focusing on law libraries and technology.

Ernie The Attorney: Newsweek Article - Lawsuit Hell

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Sounds like law review writing to me:BBspot - Word 2004 to Pioneer AutoUnsummarize Feature, which lets you take short, concise sections of text and expand them to any specified length.

UnivAtty: "Spirituality is in and religion is out"...

OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE LAW - Reveal the Code! ...Others will improve it.

LawPundit: Madrid Protocol - International Trademark Registration - Buchanan Ingersoll News Alert

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

WordPerfect vs Word

Now for something completely different: The Map Room: A Weblog About Maps One of the more interesting maps is this one, where you can track the fundraising of your favorite (major party) presidential candidate.

PeopleSoft trial scheduled for March | CNET Three Spheres of Internet Regulation

beSpacific: 9-11 Commission Hearing on Privacy and Terrorism

Monday, December 08, 2003

UB Moot Court team advances to finals: The 2003 UB National Moot Court Team won second best brief in the Region III competition, and best technical brief with a perfect score of 10 points. Read more about it HERE.

Vital Records Information for United States (birth, death or marriage certificate)

Ernie The Attorney: Advice for managing E-mail - Productivity Tips

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Ernie The Attorney: The Practical Effect of Courts Adopting Electronic Filing