Wednesday, June 30, 2004

beSpacific: Guide to Spam Filtering

beSpacific: AP To Launch Blogs for Upcoming Political Conventions

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: NASD posts latest issue of securities ADR newsletter

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

beSpacific: 2004 State of the First Amendment Survey

Ernie The Attorney: Online Court Calendar Information

Monday, June 28, 2004

BoleyBlogs!: Law Professor Blogs, From the Ground Up

Prof. Tiefer was profiled in this Sunday's Baltimore Sun. Read the story here. (Link good for 2 weeks)

beSpacific: Law Blog Created for Single Trial

Blog 702: Manhattan Institute Launches "Point of Law" Site

Friday, June 25, 2004

Same-Sex Marriage: A Selective Bibliography of the Legal Literature

Nota Bene: Software for Academic Research and Writing

University of Baltimore School of Law - Strategic Planning - Wisdom From the Grammar Goddess: Breaking the Spell

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: A new twist on why judges wear robes.

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Ernie The Attorney: Congrats to the Law Grads! Now get ready for the Bar Exam

GrepLaw | Asay Praises Open Distribution

beSpacific: New on

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

beSpacific: Selected CRS Reports Available from U. of Maryland Law Library

GrepLaw | U.S. Representatives Argues Against DMCA

Ernie The Attorney: Weekly Law Blog Roundup

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

beSpacific: What is the Life Span of Ditigal Content on CDs & DVDs?

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: Judge says federal sentencing guidelines unconstitutional

Monday, June 21, 2004 : Court: No Right to Keep Names From Police

Controlling Word Formats

Abraham Lincoln's Notes for a Law Lecture

beSpacific: UK Courts Offer WiFi Access to Public

Blog 702: Today's New York Times brings news of a complaint filed before the Florida Medical Association by three doctors seeking sanctions against Dr. John Fullerton, who testified against them in an unsuccessful malpractice suit

Ernie The Attorney: Our Noble Press

Friday, June 18, 2004

Munich sticks with Linux. My home town knows a good thing when it sees it. :)

4th Circuit Upholds Exclusion of Biomechanics Testimony

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

How to use the Federal FOI Act

ASIL Electronic Resource Guide International IP Law

Monday, June 14, 2004

beSpacific: Car Buyers Increasingly Leveraging Online Data.

GrepLaw | Limited Liability for hyperlinks

GrepLaw | Nitke v Ashcroft : Seth Finkelstein expert report

Friday, June 11, 2004

beSpacific: Microsoft Adds RSS Feeds for IT Pros

Thursday, June 10, 2004

The Information Commons, just published by the Free Expression Policy Project, is a groundbreaking report that links the vitality of 21st century democracy to the creation of online communities dedicated to producing and sharing information. A response to "digital rights management," media consolidation, and growing imbalance in the copyright
system, these "information commons" emphasize open access, sharing, collaboration, and communal management. The Information Commons gives an overview of the problem of enclosure, explains how theories of the commons have been adapted to the information age, and describes dozens of flourishing information communities. For the full report, see: or

beSpacific: Web Guide to the American Presidency

beSpacific: Handout on Search Engines From SLA Conference

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Ernie The Attorney: Weekly Law Blog Roundup

beSpacific: Is Your Medical History Really Private?

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: Ron Friedmann on online delivery of legal services

beSpacific: Links to Wide Range of Annual Statistical Reports

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

beSpacific: Baltimore City Gov't Responds to E-Mail Overload

beSpacific: Survey on Electronic Rulemaking

GrepLaw | WirelessUnleased Blog

Ernie The Attorney: The E-mail that may have damaged a legal career

Monday, June 07, 2004

PBS | I, Cringely: The Little Engine That Could
How Linux is Inadvertently Poised to Remake the Telephone and Internet Markets Let's Translate This Phoenix International School of Law Ad

This is potentially good news: beSpacific: Publisher to Allow Open Source Access to Academic Papers

beSpacific: Stealth Service Tracks When E-Mail is Read

Blog 702: Expert Testimony in Planned Parenthood v. Ashcroft.

Friday, June 04, 2004

For all you Simpsons fans: Guide to Springfield USA Excellent Advice for 1Ls (&2Ls & 3Ls)

Wired News: When Two Clicks Equal One Patent

Thursday, June 03, 2004

ABA Section of Litigation | Uniform Task-Based Management System Information

GrepLaw | New "Intellectual Property Updates" Blog

beSpacific: Advocacy Groups Join Maryland Case On Integrity of E-Voting System

LawTech: A better way to blog?

GrepLaw | Commercial Remixes

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

TVC Alert for 2 June 2004: PC Tip: What Does That File Do?

beSpacific: New Website Devoted to RSS

Ernie The Attorney: Weekly Law Blog Roundup

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

beSpacific: Baltimore Circuit Ct. Institutes WiFi Access

Home - The home of Spybot-S&D!

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: Zap the lawyer -- and other fun games. Enjoy!

GrepLaw | Net Threats and Liability