Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Coming Events: Thursday April 1
Life As A Tax Lawyer: Considering a career as a tax lawyer? Please join us and hear several attorneys discuss the practice of tax law. LC 210, 4:30 to 5:45 pm

Techfocus. Irreverent. Insightful. News. - Study: File-Swapping Increases Music Sales

beSpacific: Science Advisor to President Works Amidst Controversy

GrepLaw | Privacy in a Noise Society

Ernie The Attorney: Would Judge Posner consider you a 'skillful Googler'?

Ernie The Attorney: Weekly Law Blog Roundup

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

beSpacific: Commentary on the Growing Concern With E-Voting Technology

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: West, Lexis CEOs square off on the future

Monday, March 29, 2004

TVC Alert for 29 March 2004: Death Knell for AlltheWeb.

GrepLaw | Google's Thumbnails Illegal in Germany

beSpacific: Resources from Yale Conference on Cybercrime

Ernie The Attorney: Encrypting Your E-mail - do you have an ethical obligation to do so?

Friday, March 26, 2004

beSpacific: Library of Congress to Undertake Major Update of Global Legal Information Network

beSpacific: Richard Clarke's Testimony to 9/11 Commission

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Today's SCOTUSBlog has some good links to yesterday's Pledge case, among other things.

(TVC Alert) for 25 March 2004: Google Sued for Libelous Search Results

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Stanford Center for Internet and Society on Kahle v. Ashcroft: a case where two archives ask the U.S. district court for the Northern District of California to find that a law that extended copyright terms unconditionally -- the Berne Convention Implementation Act (BCIA) -- is unconstitutional under the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment, and that the BCIA and Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA) together create an "effectively perpetual" term with respect to works first published after January 1, 1964 and before January 1, 1978, in violation of the Constitution's Progress Clause.

GrepLaw | You're Fired(tm)

Ernie The Attorney: Weekly Law Blog Roundup

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Filter flaw vexes Hotmail, Yahoo | CNET

GrepLaw | Lessig files new challenge to copyright laws

Monday, March 22, 2004 - Notes from the Tech Trenches - Cost Effective Research

GrepLaw | Roundtable Discussion: Pop-Up Ads and the Law

Ernie The Attorney: How did Martha Stewart wind up being convicted of a felony?

Friday, March 19, 2004

The University of Aberdeen's Research Institute of Irish and Scottish Studies
will feature in the Smithsonian Associates' "Great Schools" Program in Washington DC on March 20. Scholars from the Institute will explore the remarkable story of Ireland's cross-cultural relations with Scotland in an all-day seminar timed to cap the St Patrick's Day
celebrations in the United States.
The invitation to appear as part of this Smithsonian programme is an honour for Aberdeen as previous universities invited to take part have mainly been Ivy League institutions. Oxford is the only other European university to have presented an all-day seminar in recent years.
To mark the visit to the Smithsonian, the Ambassador of Ireland, His Excellency Noel Fahey, will host a reception for Aberdeen at his official residence on March 19.
Further information, including details of a special post-seminar reception at the Smithsonian, sponsored by The Macallan Single Malt Scotch Whisky, is available on this website: .

Windows users beware! The Register: Latest Bagle worms spread on auto-pilot.
The really scary part: Unlike most email viruses, the four new Bagle worms do not carry email attachments, making them much more difficult to spot. If a user opens the message - and their machine has not been patched against a five-month old critical vulnerability - malicious code is automatically downloaded from the PC which sent the "carrier" email.

beSpacific: New on

Ernie The Attorney: The Blogging Multi-Millionaire

De Novo: Day One: Thinking Like A Lawyer

Thursday, March 18, 2004 - where tiny is better!

beSpacific: Well Deserved Spotlight Shines on Expert International Librarians

beSpacific: New Database on Bush Administration Statements on Iraq

Ernie The Attorney: Blawg for Summer Associates or Young Associates?

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Lewis (KY02) - Press Release - Accountability for Judicial Activism Act Introduced in House Rep. Lewis introduces landmark legislation to override SCOTUS decisions

beSpacific: NC State Univ. Scientists Develop Ultra-High Speed Net Access

Ernie The Attorney: Weekly Law Blog Roundup

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

SCOTUSBlog: The latest Supreme Court info.

beSpacific: E-Gov Sites Effectively Compete With Private Counterparts

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: The largest deposition bank on the Internet

Monday, March 15, 2004

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: A new tool for downloading patents

Blog 702: Pending Legislation on Malpractice Evidence

Friday, March 12, 2004 - Internet Tips: A Grown-Up's Guide to Instant Messaging

The Register: CeBIT to premiere USB Swiss Army Knife

beSpacific: Hearing on Copyright Act Section 115, Compulsary License

Thursday, March 11, 2004

How Appealing: The Library of Congress makes accessible online the entire Justice Harry A. Blackmun oral history project: " Here's one more reason to love the Internet -- the Library of Congress has just made accessible online both the videos and the text of all thirty-eight hours of the Justice Harry A. Blackmun oral history project. "

Research News (TVC Alert) for 11 March 2004: Yahoo Enhances Local Maps

Blog 702: Class Action Announced over Lead in D.C. Water

GrepLaw | Excerpt from Lessig's Free Culture

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

beSpacific: World's Biggest RAM Drive Purchased by U.S. Gov't

Ernie The Attorney: Weekly Law Blog Roundup

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

ACTION COMICS NO. 1: You can view the entire first Superman comic book here. (Props to

beSpacific: Microsoft Patent For Mouse Scroll Wheel

beSpacific: Report on Proliferation of Video Surveillance in EU

Ernie The Attorney: Tips on Legal Writing by an Appellate Court Judge

GrepLaw |

Monday, March 08, 2004 WordPerfect is NOT Dead

(TVC Alert): Two Search Engines Bite the Dust

GrepLaw | Owning Facts?

Ernie The Attorney: Getting tripped up in oral argument by an arcane question

Friday, March 05, 2004

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: Law firms cut rates by outsourcing to India

GrepLaw | SCO Leak Leads to Microsoft

Ernie The Attorney: Secure your Wi-Fi connection when you are in a free hotspot

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Saturday, March 6
UB's Intellectual Property Law Society to host 5th Annual Intellectual Property Law Symposium, 9 am - 5 pm, Business Center Auditorium

TODAY Thursday March 4
The Family Law Association invites all students, faculty & staff to their second meeting of the semester: Guest Speaker is Dean Gilbert Holmes, who will be discussing “An Attorney's perspective in the Adoption Process”. LC 210, 12:30 to 1:30 pm

beSpacific: The Journey of Supreme Court Justice Blackmun

GrepLaw | Iuliano on Copyright Arbitrational Panel

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Techfocus News - Security, Opinions, Useful Tips That You Can Use. - Help in Understanding Microsoft Patches Arrives

How Appealing: "The Release of Justice Blackmun's Files: NPR's Nina Totenberg Has Advance Look at Papers, Oral History."

Legal Research Guide: Education Law

Ernie The Attorney: Weekly Law Blog Roundup

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

beSpacific: FDA Launches New Website on Heart Health

beSpacific: New Report on Copyright Law and Business Innovation

Robert Ambrogi's LawSites: plugging a site for Supreme Court records and briefs.

Ernie The Attorney: Challenging digital evidence in court

Ernie The Attorney: Post-Mortem on a US Supreme Court Argument - by the lawyer who argued the case

Monday, March 01, 2004

GrepLaw | RFID in a Supply Retail Chain

beSpacific: GPO Launches Deep Linking Tool for CFR Citations

GrepLaw | Germans Protest RFID